Digital microscopes replace traditional magnification tools in quality control

/ins  Using a digital microscope instead of traditional magnification tools to repair and/or rework defective  boards will improve the operator’s user experience and pave the way for more efficient quality control thanks to the bigger working area and real time image display.

Once a printed circuit board has been identified as faulty during quality control, repairing and reworking will most likely include hand soldering. However, due to the miniaturization of components in, e.g. smart phones and tablets, traditional tools such as magnification lamps and optical microscopes become insufficient or inexpedient.


Digital microscopes replace traditional magnification tools

Today, higher magnification levels than previously are needed when hand soldering ICs and capacitors due to the increasingly smaller components. However, many operators find that magnifying lamps are no longer able to provide the required magnification levels. Moreover, optical microscopes, usually considered the alternative to magnifying lamps, have a small field of view, creating a limited working area and thus making it difficult for the operator to work under. A digital microscope will also improve cooperation between colleagues by looking at a shared monitor.


Repair and rework in real time
Using a digital microscope to repair and rework defective boards will not only provide high magnification levels and increase usability, making quality control easier for the operator and thus enabling them to work more efficiently. A digital microscope will also display a live image of what happens beneath the camera with no delay, eliminating moments of irritation and improving the quality control working conditions.


Improved ergonomics and hand-eye coordination

With a digital microscope, the user can see the magnified object on a monitor, alleviating the operators of unnecessary neck pains and headaches as they are no longer bending their necks to look through an ocular or magnifying lamp. Cases show that the elimination of straining work postures leads to less sick leave and staff infirmities.

 With the help of an inline flex arm, the operator can also stand directly in front of the camera and object under the microscope. This further improves the ergonomics and hand-eye coordination of the operator and thus paves the way for more efficient rework.



TAGARNO specializes in digital microscopes for quality control processes in the electronics industry. By combining advanced technological practices with high quality cameras and original software interfaces and apps, businesses can renew and optimize their visual inspection and quality control processes.

Read more about TAGARNO

Contact TAGARNO Sales and Marketing Coordinator  Gitte Engkjær /   +45 76251124




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Sandøvej 4

8700 Horsens, Denmark

Phone: +45 75261124

Press contact

TAGARNO Marketing Manager Gitte Engkjaer
Gitte Engkjær
Phone: +45 76251124

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Company Information



Sandøvej 4

8700 Horsens, Denmark

Phone: +45 75261124

Press contact

TAGARNO Marketing Manager Gitte Engkjaer
Gitte Engkjær
Phone: +45 76251124

Via social media


With the digital revolution taking over the world of microscopy, we help businesses in a wide range of industries renew and optimize their visual inspection and quality control processes. With our user friendly and efficient digital microscopes, we are paving the way for enhanced communication throughout the entire supply chain. TAGARNO is a Danish corporation with more than 40 years of experience in developing cutting-edge solutions within digital camera microscopy. All our digital microscopes are tested and created from high quality materials and surface treatments, creating long-lasting solutions. The digital TAGARNO microscopes are designed, developed and produced in Denmark to ensure the highest quality solutions and full customer satisfaction. We are an international establishment with distributors covering more than 50 geographical markets worldwide.

TAGARNO Digital microscopes customer BB ElectronicsTAGARNO Digital microscopes customer BB Electronics

TAGARNO Digital microscopes customer Nordic Seed: A part of Danish Agro

TAGARNO Digital microscopes customer Nordic Seed: A part of Danish Agro

TAGARNO Digital microscopes customer Nordic Seed: A part of Danish Agro

TAGARNO Digital microscopes customer Nordic Seed: A part of Danish Agro

