Actress in new career gives Skanska film award and PR

The unconventional co-operation between the construction company Skanska and Liv Ullmann, famous actress in Ingmar Bergman's films among others, won a grand slam at the recent 2nd International Public Relations Film, Video and Multimedia Festival in Budapest, Hungary.

Liv Ullmann, already a successful actress, was thrilled to win best film in the Reference Film category and the Diamond PRince Award, the festival's major prize, when her first-ever commissioned film "The World of Skanska" was launched at the festival in Hungary. She was responsible both for the script and the direction. Her colleague from many Ingmar Bergman films, multiple Oscar winner and master photographer Sven Nykvist, created beautiful images and settings from Skanska buildings around the world, and contributed without a doubt to the jury's opinion of the film's quality.
The well-qualified international jury, chaired by Professor Sam Black, was composed of leading representatives from industry organisations such as IPRA, CERP, ICO, PRSA and IABC.
Skanska's "concept film about mankind's possibilities", for which the aim was to mirror literally and figuratively how bridges can be built between peoples and cultures, has a running time of fourteen minutes. After its formal premiere on 5 May, the film will be used in the construction company's global PR activities.

Bridges can be built in many ways. At the recent PR Film Festival in Budapest the city's Deputy Mayor, Dr Janos Schiffer, congratulated Liv Ullmann on winning the festival's main honour, the Diamond PRince Award. This was for the script and direction of her first commissioned film "The World of Skanska". The proud recipient of the diploma is the construction company's Information Director, Lennart Hallberg (seen left).

For further information please contact
Lennart Hallberg, Information Director, Skanska AB, SVP Public Affairs
Tel: +46 8 753 86 89

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Actress in new career gives Skanska film award and PR


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