
Computer simulated learning and presentation

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An advanced simulation game for municipal traffic is the first example of a new active learning media channel. This is claimed to be the communication method of the future, as well as an interesting alternative to traditional information-transfer media such as brochures, video presentations, etc. The claim is made by the Swedish advertising agency Nord & Syd Europa AB, who are introducing their large-scale venture as a general model and as a system for computer simulated training and presentation. ‘This is a media channel which creates completely new dimensions and possibilities for both qualitative and economically interesting information transfer’, commented Ulf Eneqvist, Project Manager and also the person responsible for both concept and game-script. ‘The method is especially suitable for demanding target groups, and those with which it is difficult to communicate’, he continued. ‘An example is young people who are used to combination training via play, competition, or entertainment methods.